Leap into creativity | Natalie Nixon
April 8th, 2022
1 hr 10 secs
Season 19
About this Episode
Support the show: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/datascienceharp
Find Natalie online: https://www.figure8thinking.com/about/
Watch the video of this episode: https://youtu.be/3Dr7OcyQj1M
Highlights of the show:
[00:01:32] Guest Introduction
[00:03:34] Where did you grow up and what was it like there?
[00:08:04] Talk to us about the idea of “indoctrination to education”.
[00:12:35] Your interesting ‘creativity research’, when did that start? How did your interest in that get sparked?
[00:18:24] How can we make creativity more accessible and not just something that feels like it's in the domain of artsy people?
[00:23:15] What is your definition of creativity?
[00:27:27] Discuss the aspect of wonder and rigour.
[00:29:09] What's wrong with the way that we're currently asking questions?
[00:38:17] Walk us through what design thinking is and how does that help us be more creative?
[00:40:58] What is divergent and convergent thinking?
[00:50:47] Talk to us about the remix, the reframe and repurpose. How they help play a role in being creative?
[00:53:04] Talk to us about 'Fashion thinking'.
[00:56:20] It is 100 years in the future. What could it be remembered for?
Random Round
[00:57:13] What are you currently reading?
[00:57:37] What song do you currently have on repeat?
[00:58:22] What's the best thing you got from one of your parents?
[00:58:31] In your group of friends, what role do you play?
[00:58:41] What fictional place would you most like to go to?
[00:59:02] Pizza or tacos?
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Listen to the latest episode: https://player.fireside.fm/v2/eac-KT9/latest?theme=dark
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