Music Generation Using AI with Dr. Tristan Behrens


June 12th, 2024

1 hr 5 mins 14 secs

Season 19

Your Host

About this Episode

In this episode we get into the captivating realm of AI-driven creativity with Dr. Tristan Behrens, an AI advisor, musician, and freelance researcher. Join us as we explore the transformative power of artificial intelligence in unlocking creativity, focusing on Dr. Behrens' expertise in using AI to generate music through his machine, Hexagon.

Key Points:

Guest Introduction: Dr. Tristan Behrens, an AI advisor and researcher, shares his unique journey from software development to a Ph.D. in computer science and AI.

Computation and Creativity: The episode begins by unraveling the intricate relationship between computation and creativity, highlighting the fusion of technology and artistic expression.

AI in Music Composition: Dr. Behrens discusses the process of training AI models on diverse music genres using MIDI data, employing the Transformer architecture and a complex token vocabulary for music track generation.

Credit in AI-Augmented Creativity: The discussion touches upon the evolving role of AI in augmenting human creativity, acknowledging the importance of giving credit to both AI and human contributors.

Transformers in AI: Understanding the role of Transformers in AI, particularly in converting text to music, showcases the complexity and versatility of modern AI architectures.

Data Pipeline and Modeling: Dr. Behrens provides insights into building the AI model, emphasizing the significance of a robust data pipeline and thoughtful modeling.

AI Music Creation Process: Explore the intricacies of converting text to sound, accompanied by Dr. Behrens' firsthand experiences with neural network outputs.

Challenges and Role of Symbolic AI: Delve into the challenges of AI in music generation and the potential influence of Symbolic AI in shaping the future of creative AI applications.

Future Architectures: A glimpse into the future unfolds as Dr. Behrens discusses the evolving landscape of AI architectures and their impact on creative endeavors.

Deep Reinforcement Learning: Uncover the potential role of deep reinforcement learning in pushing the boundaries of AI music generation.

Challenges of Deep Learning in Creativity: The episode concludes by addressing the challenges inherent in integrating deep learning into the augmentation of human creativity.

Join us in this enlightening conversation with Dr. Tristan Behrens as we navigate the fascinating intersection of artificial intelligence and creativity, unlocking new possibilities in the realm of AI-generated music.

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